Report published in Confidence, p. 27-28 April – June 1922
To Rev. A. A. Boddy,
All Saints’ Vicarage,
Sunderland, England.
Our dear Brother Wigglesworth arrived in Melbourne last Thursday, February 16th, and he had a meeting that night, when many came to hear his blessed message, and—Glory to God! — many dear sick ones were delivered in answer to the prayer of faith. Some of those who attended the meeting had come many hundreds of miles for the purpose, and were addressed by the evangelist from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Ye are my witnesses.”
“There is nothing so real as God,” he said, “and God wants men to be as real as He is; sons of God with power. God has never made us to be imitations, never made any of us to beordinary creatures. He wants specialities, and wants every one of us to be specialities, with souls fixed in God, and working the works of God. When God is upon the smallest person in the place, He can make us mighty, and when we are simple enough to believe Him, the whole of our lives are changed, and the things which we have merely heard about begin to be realities in our own experiences.
“There is nothing so real as God,” he said, “and God wants men to be as real as He is; sons of God with power. God has never made us to be imitations, never made any of us to beordinary creatures. He wants specialities, and wants every one of us to be specialities, with souls fixed in God, and working the works of God.

Melbourne Town Hall
When God is upon the smallest person in the place, He can make us mighty, and when we are simple enough to believe Him, the whole of our lives are changed, and the things which we have merely heard about begin to be realities in our own experiences.
“My theme to-night is that Jesus would not have us to be less than realities. My message is to Y-O-U, not to somebody else. It was hard for the disciples to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead, and there was something of remarkable order that took place to bring these men into the knowledge of this living fact. It is the power of this risen Christ that I am here to-night.”
Although Mr. Wigglesworth made it quite plain and clear to his hearers that he would rather see one sinner saved than 10,000 people healed of bodily ailments, he invited any who were in pain to come forward for prayer in the Name of Jesus, Who said, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth,” at the same time taking much trouble to impress upon them the thought that by no power of his would any receive deliverance, but only through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who healed all who came unto Him.
Amongst those who came forward for prayer were several who declared that they had received remarkable and instantaneous healings. A few of those were as follows: One little girl, six years of age, was seen, after prayer by the evangelist, walking out of the front door of the building with her mother, who was delightedly exclaiming to all and sundry, “Look at her! She has never walked in her life before!” A man who had not walked for over four years owing to rheumatoid arthritis, was instantly healed, and after triumphantly passing his stick and crutch up to the platform, gave an impromptu exhibition of the power that had come into his legs by jumping and leaping and praising God.
Others suffering from weak spine, nerve and heart trouble, weak eyesight, asthma, kidney trouble, loss of voice, etc., claimed to have been wonderfully helped.
Since the first night there have been many other wonderful healings. Last night a dear woman who had been unable to walk for 61 years was brought to be prayed for, and—glory be to God !—she got out of her chair and walked, and her husband pushed her chair along, with her walking behind. Praise our covenant-keeping God! Truly He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think.
There have also been many conversions—at one meeting alone 40 dear ones accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour—and we are believing for still greater things. The revival showers are falling and God is working. Bless His holy Name! We also have some precious times of blessing in the morning meetings conducted by our dear Brother Wigglesworth, and many go away praising God for the feast they have had. Truly “Man shalt not live by bread alone, but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Am enclosing newspaper cuttings, so you will see how the press are taking it up.
Just this morning a mother brought her little girl along, who had fallen on a pair of scissors, and cut her mouth so that she could not close it. After the evangelist had laid his hands upon it and prayed, she was able to close her mouth and was quite well. Glory to God !
I must now close, praying that God will abundantly bless you in your labours of love for Him, and asking your prayers of behalf of Australia.
With Christian greetings,
Yours in Christ’s happy service,
104, Queensberry Street, N. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Feb. 23rd, 1922.
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Published in Melbourne ‘Age’ February 18, 1922
Smith Wigglesworth Revival Campaign
Will be held at the “Olympia” Daily.
From Sunday, February 19, till Sunday,
5th March, inclusive,
Excepting Mondays and Saturdays.
Sundays .. .. .. .. .. 2.45 and 7 p.m.;
Week Days, .. .. .. .. .. 7.45 p.m.
_ _ _
Bring your sick. Brother Wigglesworth will pray for them, and Jesus will heal them.
_ _ _
Bible Readings will be conducted on the same days as above at Good News Hall, Queensberry street, North Melbourne (near Town Hall), at 10 a.m.
* * *
Published in Melbourne Argos February 22, 1922
At a series of meetings conducted during the last ten days by Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, a Yorkshire evangelist, there have been many “manifestations of healing.” Mr. Wigglesworth held his earlier meetings in the Good News Hall, North Melbourne, and at first the attendance was only moderate; but this week it was necessary to transfer to Olympia, as so many persons had to be turned away from the smaller hall.
Last night a large number of persons came “for aid,” to use the evangelist’s expression; and though he was not successful in all cases, there; were many in which there appeared to be startling and immediate improvement after he had laid his; hands on the afflicted and prayed over them. In one instance a woman who was said to have been very deaf was able to answer him when he spoke to her in an ordinary tone. In another an elderly man, who declared that he had suffered from; noises in the head for ten years, said that he was free from them at last. An elderly woman who was described as almost crippled with rheumatism, was directed to stoop down and touch the ground With her hands. “I don’t suppose you have bent your back for some time,” Mr. Wigglesworth said. The patient stooped down without effort! apparently, and was so delighted that she laughed heartily. “No pain and no stiffness now?” asked the evangelist, and she replied that she had none. A girl who had an affliction of the hip and knee, which it was said had prevented her walking without a stick for some years, walked up and down to front of the audience at a rapid pace, whereas she had only been able before to limp slowly with the aid of her stick. “Throw your stick away; burn it,” said Mr. Wigglesworth. “You will not want it again.” Many other cases gave interesting results.
* * *
Published in Melbourne Argos February 23, 1922
Further demonstrations of “healing by touch” were given by Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, a Yorkshire evangelist, before a very large assemblage at the Olympia last night. After the evangelist had given an address on the subject of “Faith,” he called upon those who had come “for aid” on Tuesday night to testify as to the results; and several persons who had been suffering front deafness, rheumatics, and lameness declared that their ailments had completely gone. Mr. Wigglesworth healing by touch.” An elderly man, who said that he had been deaf for years, cried “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” when asked by Mr. Wigglesworth if he could hear, after hands had been placed on him and he had been prayed over. A woman who, it was declared, had had stiff legs for over 20 years, and who limped to Olympia on the arm of a relative, ran about the hall in joy after she had been “touched.” Another woman, who was said to have been an invalid in a chair for 23 years, declared that her limbs were “beginning to move.” She was advised by the evangelist to retain her faith in Jesus Christ and her cure; would be complete. A young woman with pains of long standing “in her back was able to stoop and touch the ground with her hands, and she laughed heartily as she told the audience that her trouble had gone. A woman, who asserted that she had been unable to walk owing to pain in her feet, ran up and down in front of the audience, crying, “Praise the name of the Lord.” She declared that her pain vanished when the evangelist touched her.
There were a few failures, some deaf persons and some almost blind stating that they could nor admit any improvement. “Strengthen your faith in the Lord” was the advice given them by Mr. Wigglesworth.
Published in Triumphs of Faith p. 137-138 June 1922
We have received encouragement from Mr. Smith Wigglesworth that he will come to California from Australia (on his way back to England) probably in August.
Some of our readers will remember hearing this brother at our Cazadero Camp meeting in 1914. Many were blessed through his message at that time. We herewith publish an account of some of the cases of healing which have occurred through his ministry in Australia, and which were sent us by a brother in the Lord. – EDITOR.
On February 16, 1922, God began His mighty work in Melbourne under the ministry of Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, who had come in answer to the many prayers which have ascended to the Throne of Grace on behalf of this needy country, Australia. Often during his sermons the Evangelist is moved to tears, and each night scores of anxious souls signify their desire to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, after they have been pointed to the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Testimonies are called for in order that the faith of those who come to receive the Saviour’s touch may be quickened. A young woman who had been suffering with consumption declared, “I was brought to last Sunday’s meeting a poor dying woman, with a disease that was eating into every part of my being. I was full of corruption outside as well as in, but Jesus Christ came and loosed me and set me free. I have slept better and eaten more heartily than I have for eight years.”
The President of the Methodist Local Preachers’ Association testified to having been delivered from nervous trouble. A prominent businessman said, “The first night of this campaign God delivered me from an affliction of the feet I had had for fifty years, since I was two years of age. I am now fifty-two. Ever since I was prayed for I have had no pain. Friends have never seen me do this (stamping his feet). I have no further use for my stick.”
A lady testified, – “As soon as I was anointed, the power of God went through me. Also my families have all been saved during these meetings.” Mrs. S. said, “While sitting in my seat listening to the Word, God healed me of liver trouble, gallstone, and sciatica. He has also touched my daughter and manifested His power in her body. She was suffering with her feet and had been operated on twice, but as she sat in her seat the Lord began to operate and all pain was gone.”
Mrs. B. said, “I was deaf, and suffering with anemia and with my feet, but as soon as hands were laid upon me for healing my ears were opened and I thank God for healing me and for this wonderful salvation for spirit, soul and body which I never saw before.”
Mr. L., a Church of England reader, testified that he had been immediately healed of a stiff knee.
Mr. B. testified that a lady of Box Hill, who had been twenty-two years in an invalid’s chair, rose and walked after Mr. Wigglesworth had ministered to her in the Name of Jesus.
Mr. V., a suburban Protestant Federation Society Secretary, testified that a friend was healed the night before of rhomboid arthritis of four years’ standing, and had discarded stick and crutch. The friend rose in the audience saying, “I am the one.”
Mr. J., of Spring Vale, who had been deaf for twenty years, was healed, and also his wife, who had sat in a wheel chair for six years; both were immediately healed. The empty chair was wheeled to the railway station, while the woman testified to all bystanders of the great things the Lord had done for her. Many were healed through the application of anointed handkerchiefs.
Mr. Wigglesworth said, “The closing up of the meetings was wonderful. God was with us in power. Was in Adelaide two weeks, then Ballarat. Five hundred at the latter place were converted at one meeting. We praise God for all and pray that He may be glorified in all.”
F. E. Braithwaite.
Holley Pk., Crouch Hill,
London, England
* * *
Mr. Wigglesworth at the Antipodes.
He writes: “God is doing wonders. We have the meetings in a picture house, and crowds are being saved night by night. This morning a girl 16 years old, who had been stone deaf eight years was instantly healed, and similar mercies are going on all the time. I spent Easter in Melbourne, and enclose a few testimonies from those helped there. “I began in Sydney on April 30th. I am well, but need a rest, and (D.V.) I shall have one week on the sea (to New Zealand), and three weeks to America.”
Later at Sydney. “This has been a great week of soul saving. Crowds are being stirred up. Ministers and preachers, many have begun a new life. The presence of God has been mighty.”

Sydney street corner
May. 24th. “God is keeping me on fire. Hundreds are catching the flame. Several young men have left all, and have struck out on new lines. There has been much opposition and controversy, but I have left hundreds saved and healed in Sydney. Australia has been moved. A man and his wife and another brother who have caught the fire are travelling with me to New Zealand. My first mission is at Wellington, then Christchurch, then three weeks on the sea to Beulah Heights, near Oakland (Mr. Montgomery). Then to San Francisco, and on, as the Lord leads “
* * *
107 Rowe Street,
North Fitzroy.
I feel I must express my deep gratitude for blessing received. Only those who have been in the furnace of affliction can realise the joy of deliverance. It seems too wonderful. After fourteen years of anguish, sleeplessness, and spiritual depression, caused by the bondage of the adversary, these are things of the past. As Bro. Wigglesworth says, consumption is of the devil, and only the Lion of Judah could have delivered me from this dread scourge, which had made my body a mass of corruption. Hallelujah!
* * *
Bailie Street,
Horsham, Victoria.
I was prayed for in Melbourne, and the evil spirit was commanded to come out. I had a polypus growth in my nose. It had been there eighteen years. When I came home from Melbourne the growth all broke tip and came away, for which I praise God. I had also it pain under my left breast which had troubled me twelve years. I think it was leakage of the heart, as sorrow had caused it in the first place. At times I used to vomit blood. I have deliverance from that also. All praise to our wonder-working Jesus!
32, Emerald Street,
I have had liver complaint all my life. When quite a girl I was treated by the best doctors, but it always returned, and at times I was unable to turn in bed without help. The last twelve months my kidneys were bad, and my legs swollen much with cramp. I had also varicose veins, with lumps larger than an egg. Now, glory to God, all has gone—disappeared—as soon as hands were laid upon me in the name of Jesus. I am hungering and thirsting after the Baptism. Please pray for me!

Elizabeth Street, Melbourne
Bro. Wigglesworth concludes his letter with an earnest appeal for our prayers. “Pray! pray! pray! that God may be glorified in all.”
* * *
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 September 16, 1922
The Ministry of Bro. Wigglesworth and His Future Movements
A number of letters have come to this office asking If Bro. Smith Wigglesworth can hold meetings at different assemblies. He is waiting on the Lord about these calls and is praying about his future movements. He writes us that he expects to hold meetings in San Jose and Oakland, Cal., during the latter part of September and the early part of October, and he hopes that he will be able to start a campaign in Springfield, Mo., on October 15th. We hope to insert fuller announcement concerning this last meeting in the next Evangel.
A correspondent, Mrs. F. E. Braithwaite, sends us a large number of testimonies of healing from Australia, where Bro. Wigglesworth has lately been ministering.
Kathleen Gay, 107 Rowe St. North Fitzroy, testifies, “I fee1 I must express my deep gratitude for blessing received. Only those who have been in the furnace of affliction can realize the joy of deliverance. It seems even now too wonderful after 14 years of anguish, sleeplessness, and spiritual depression caused by the bondage of the adversary that these are things of the past. As you say, consumption is of the devil and only the Lion of Judah could have delivered me from this scourge which has made my body a mass of corruption. Now I am free. Hallelujah!”
Mrs. J. Simcock, of Horshom, Victoria, writes. “I was prayed for in Melbourne and the evil spirit commanded to come out. I had a polypus growth in my nose. It had been there 18 years. When I came home from Melbourne the growth all broke up and came away, for which I praise God. I also had a pain under my left breast which had troubled me 12 years. I think it was leakage of the heart, as sorrow had caused it in the first place. At times I used to vomit blood. I had deliverance from that also. All praise to our wonder working Jesus.”
Catherine Rutherford, of 32 Emerald St., Collingwood, writes, “I have had liver complaint all my life. When quite a young girl I was treated by the best doctors, but it always returned. At times I was unable to turn over in bed without help. The last 12 months my kidneys were bad and my legs swollen with much cramp. I had varicose veins with lumps larger than an egg. Now, glory to God, all has gone – disappeared as soon as hands were laid on me in the name of Jesus.”
L. M Buchanan writes of the meetings held in Sydney: “A woman who was to have undergone an operation yesterday went to the doctor, who said that there was neither misplacement nor inflammation”. When she told him the reason he said that she would soon be worse. Another who was to have undergone several operations because the work could not be done in one, testifies that she was free, and that the Lord had lengthened her leg two inches and that instead of limping she is now walking perfectly. Another mother brought her little boy who had fits all day long. He was prayed for at the meeting and after the evangelist had gone he had a fit worse than before. The unbelievers’ sarcasm was to be heard all over the building. Two days later the mother returned to say that the child had not had another fit. A little girl aged five years old, who had been stone-deaf three years, received her healing at once. The healings have been too numerous to mention and the preaching of the Word was wonderful.”
At the meeting at Geelong, one testified. “I had a withered hand for 14 years. When Mr. Wigglesworth was here a month ago it was cured.”
At Parkes a quarter of the population tried to get into the theatre. The preaching was wonderful and also the healings. A little girl, deaf for six years, eardrums burst and bleeding, was instantly healed. Her brother, blind in one eye, received his sight immediately he was prayed for. The daily papers say that no meetings on a religious line equal to these had ever been experienced in Parkes.
A teacher at Bunibank Methodist Sunday school testifies to healing of rheumatoid arthritis. “A doctor examined me in the beginning of December, 1911, and told me I would need new joints to walk. He said he would defy anyone to cure me, and although I improved in health I did not walk better. On April 4th I went to be prayed with, and believed God would heal me. As hands were placed on my head in the name of Jesus, I felt the power of God go right through me. After the meeting I walked down three flights of stairs without a stick for the first time for sixteen years, and I have no use for a stick since. I have always tried to impress upon the juniors the power of prayer, but I had not realized I would have to demonstrate it in my own life. After testifying in the Sunday School, I asked all who were Christians or who would became so to stand. Every teacher and every scholar stood, and so we sang the Doxology. Men of the world have told me ‘It has set them thinking.’ There is no evidence now that I had ever rheumatoid arthritis. Praise God!”
Bro Wigglesworth writes of his meeting in Wellington, New Zealand. “The New Zealand visit has been the best I have had on the lines of moving a city toward holiness and godly fear. Thirty of the principal men pleaded with me that I would stay longer. There has been a harvest of souls and over 2,000 were prayed for for healing. About 2,000 came down to the quay, singing and testifying and I spoke to them. A daily paper quotes the following healings, saying that any one can secure the names and addresses at the Dominion offices.
A dairyman had for 3 years suffered with chronic gastritis and paralysis of both legs from the hips downward and could only drag along with crutches. He testifies, “On June 4th I attended the Town Hall. I was anointed, hands were laid on me, and Mr. Wigglesworth told me to walk. I handed him my crutches and walked home.
Wigglesworth in New Zealand, 1922
For 14 years I have had a cyst on the back of my neck. It increased in size to the size of an egg. The next morning I found it had completely disappeared.”
A lady testifies, “Over 3 years ago varicose veins in my legs broke. I was twice in hospital, but when I used the legs the veins burst open. The last time they were cut and an ulcer formed. I had to walk with a stick, and could only limp. I went to the Town Hall. I had faith that Jesus would heal me. The pain ceased and I was able to leave my stick and walk to the car. My leg is sound and the ulcer is daily healing. I am now able to wash and do my housework.”
Another Wellington lady says that her son (age 11) 6 years ago broke his arm. It was badly set and he could not bend it properly. It was massaged for 12 months without any benefit. It is healed. Also her daughter, who suffered from adenoids, was healed.
A lady from Ngaio, aged 20, has suffered from double curvature of the spine from infancy. She could not walk until 4 years of age and could only rise from the floor by pulling herself up with both hands. One leg was 3 inches shorter and less in circumference. She went to many hospitals and was sent home incurable. She states, “As soon as hands were laid upon me I was healed, my spine was straightened, in a few days my leg lengthened, and my hip, which was diseased, was healed.”
The following testimonies appeared in the “Good News” of Melbourne:
For many years I suffered from bronchitis and asthma. I had pains in my chest and was very short of breath. I went to the meetings at the Olympia and Mr. Wigglesworth laid hands on me, and rebuked the evil spirit. I felt the power of God go right through me. I was immediately healed, and have not had a pain since. I was on Feb. 4th. 1922, dressing my little girls when Thelma, aged 4, fell. I picked her up and found her bleeding at the mouth. The scissors were in her hand, and she ran the point through her lips. Her mouth began to swell, and I said. “Dear Jesus, don’t let her go any further.” I hurried to the Good News Hall and the secretary carried her to Mr. Wigglesworth, who was at breakfast. In a few minutes the lady brought her back, with her mouth closed, and perfectly healed. The child told me that the gentleman had laid his hands on her lips and prayed, and that Jesus had made her better.
J. M. Henderson.
I was born with a weak, crooked ankle. I was anointed at the Olympia and it was immediately straightened and made strong. I had to wear a specially formed boot and straps, these are no use to me now. I have bought ordinary boots. Medical men have attended me and could do nothing.
Lily Ward.
NEW ZEALAND May-June 1922
Published in A History of the Charismatic Movements in New Zealand, by James E. Worsfold p112-114
The opening services for the Evangelist’s mission were conducted in the Vivian Street Baptist Sunday School Hall through the courtesy of its minister who previously had been an eyewitness at the Welsh revival. In these morning services the Evangelist delivered a series of addresses on “The Enduement of Power” and “The Gifts of the Spirit.” The numbers so increased that the services had to be transferred to the main church, but even this building became too small for the crowds that came. During these services the Evangelist was led to manifest the gifts of tongues and interpretation, creating faith in the congregation to believe God for an outpouring of His Spirit and that signs would follow the preaching of the Word. Miraculous touches of healing were definitely experienced in these meetings. One case was of a hopeless consumptive who was carried in a coma into the church but after prayer arose, full of vigour, and walked with head up around the church, healed.
On the Sunday morning the Evangelist ministered in the Berhampore Baptist Church and at the 11 a.m. service preached on the subject of “Faith.” In this meeting, to the consternation of some of the congregation, the gifts of tongues and interpretation were manifested. This was the only church service that the Evangelist ministered in outside the Mission.
For the evening services during the crusade the Town Hall had been engaged.

The charismatic services in the Capital produced various reactions in some of the pulpits in the city. The Revd. F. de Lisle of the Constable Street Congregational Church preached on the subject “Is the day of Miracles Past?” The Revd. G. Glasson at the Terrace Congregational on “The Gifts of Healing;” the Revd. W. Day at the Kelburn Presbyterian on “Faith Healing :”the Revd. E. Drake of Trinity Methodist on “Healing in the Mission Field;” Mr. J. Moore, missioner at the Sailors’ Friendly Society on “The Cures at the Town Hall;” the Revd. H. E. Edridge at the Island Bay Baptist on “Healing by Faith;” and the Revd. W. Rowlings of the Brooklyn Baptist on “Divine Healing.”
A11 other ministers preaching in their pulpits during the mission decided to ignore the subject as far as their religious advertisements were concerned, and the situation became a little strained later at ministerial level when the Evangelist addressed the Wellington Council of Churches, in a meeting which was arranged to bring about a better understanding of Pentecostal theology and phenomenon. Regrettably, this meeting widened the gulf between the older churches and the new charismatic Christians, a situation which was to continue until the 1960’s.
The first Sunday evening saw 800 present and the third evening saw 3000 present. From then on crowds were unable to gain admission each night. It was said that the singing was electrifying and was thought to surpass even the Torrey-Alexander and the Chapman-Alexander Revival services. In his preaching the Evangelist emphasised the key words, “Only believe,” and his ministry covered such subjects as “The Baptism of the Holy Ghost,” “The Sanctification of the Believer,” the “Second Coming of Christ,” “Divine Healing for the sick,” and “Exorcism from evil spirits.” The whole Gospel for the whole man was preached fully in the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit, with very many conversions to Christ taking place and backsliders being restored. The services received, on the whole, fair treatment from the Press, and Wellingtonians were no doubt startled when reading their morning paper to see the bold caption, “FAITH HEALING, EXTRAORDINARY SCENES AT TOWN HALL; THE DEAF MADE TO HEAR.” A vivid description of the services then followed.

Seeking to carefully and objectively assess the first series of the Wigglesworth services in Wellington, Mr. E. E. Pennington, later to become chairman of the New Zealand Evangelical Mission said, “Evangelist Wigglesworth came to Wellington, little known to any of us. There was no flourishing of trumpets to herald this event. A few small advertisements in the local Press announced his meetings. . . His message was truly wonderful. If ever it could be said of a preacher of righteousness since the days of Philip that he preached Christ unto them,
it surely would apply to Brother Wigglesworth. Never has the writer witnessed such scenes that followed the presentation of the Word of God by this Spirit-filled man, although being associated with such mighty evangelical services with Drs. Torrey, Henry Chapman and others in their New Zealand campaign. In the Wigglesworth services sometimes 400-500 responded in a meeting with whole families entering the Kingdom of God.”
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We have many more reports of Smith’s ministry in Australia and New Zealand on our CD Rom.