SAN FRANSISCO September 1922
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 8 September 2, 1922

Poster courtesy
Brother Smith Wigglesworth of England has arrived in this country after a mighty ministry in Australia and New Zealand. A New Zealand newspaper, reporting our brother’s meetings says, “Last night two hundred presented themselves for healing. Many were able to throw away crutches and sticks immediately. Others with goiter, rheumatism, partial blindness and deafness. A woman crippled with rheumatism, walks quickly across the floor; stutterers read the Lord’s prayer without stuttering. An old woman, deaf and dumb, says ‘Jesus.’ A man whose leg had been broken with a bad mend walks away smiling and confident without his crutches.”
At the time of writing, Brother Wigglesworth is preaching at the Glad Tidings Hall, San Francisco, Cal. He is giving some special teaching on the subject of FAITH. These messages have been stenographically reported, and we hope to share them with Evangel readers during the next month or two. One who read one of these messages remarked, “You can feel the Spirit back of the message.”
We have three special messages from Miss Elizabeth Sisson, which will prove a feast to all who read them. Sister Sisson is now in her eightieth year. but bringing forth fruit in old age, and writing as freely as she did forty years ago, but with the added weight of long experience and a marked maturity.
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 September 2, 1922
Assembly, Bible Training School, and city are being greatly blessed by the powerful ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. He is mighty in the Scriptures with the fine art of hiding himself in God, thus compelling the people to see Jesus. God is graciously working, saving, healing, baptizing.
Robert J. Craig, founding pastor of Glad Tidings Temple and Bible Institute, San Francisco
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SAN JOSE, OAKLAND & SPRINGFIELD September – October 1922
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 14 September 16, 1922
The Ministry of Bro. Wigglesworth and His Future Movements
A number of letters have come to this office asking If Bro. Smith Wigglesworth can hold meetings at different assemblies. He is waiting on the Lord about these calls and is praying about his future movements. He writes us that he expects to hold meetings in San Jose and Oakland, Cal., during the latter part of September and the early part of October, and he hopes that he will be able to start a campaign in Springfield, Mo., on October 15th. We hope to insert fuller announcement concerning this last meeting in the next Evangel.
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October 3rd 1922
A report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 September 30, 1922
GLAD TIDINGS OPENING San Francisco, Calif.
All is in readiness for the Fourth Yearly Opening, on Oct. 3rd. of the Glad Tidings Bible Institute. A large property, 1439 to 1479 Ellis St., one block from the present location, has recently been purchased for the growing work of the Tabernacle and Bible Institute.

Glad Tidings Bible Institute
There are ten buildings at present on these seven lots. These will speedily be removed to make room for this commodious, modern building shown here. This will give a Tabernacle seating twenty-five hundred, and accommodations for more than one hundred students, also for the Faculty and Tabernacle workers.
Hereafter Holy Ghost, inspirational and spiritual teaching, as indicated by Smith Wigglesworth in his recent San Francisco meetings, will be the continuous aim in all the courses at Glad Tidings.
Hereafter there will be a total absence of all hobbles except to “be filled with the Spirit,” that outgoing students, on fire for God, and with the Word in their hearts, may be the most effective in reaching the lost and building up Christ’s kingdom at home and abroad.
A larger attendance than ever is assured this year. Applicants desiring illustrated data, address Pastor R J. Craig, General Presbyter, Assemblies of God, 1536 Ellis St., San Francisco, Calif.
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October 2nd 1922
Testimony published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 9 June 20, 1925
I slipped on the fatal peeling and fell on Broadway, San Diego, in February, 1921, and as was afterwards discovered, fractured the coccyx, and so severely wrenched the hips and pelvic bones that I became a great sufferer. As the broken bone was not discovered and set until about two months after the accident, the constant pain and irritation caused a general inflammation of the nervous system, and the long delay in getting the bone set, made it impossible to heal, so that my condition steadily growing worse I was taken to the hospital and the bone removed about a month after it had been set. Though the wound healed readily, the nervous inflammation remained and so for many months longer I was in constant pain and unable to get around without assistance.
I was taken to the first service held by Mr. Wigglesworth at the Gospel Tabernacle on the 2nd day of Oct., 1922. At the close of the service all those who were sick and in pain and had come for healing were requested to rise if possible. My husband assisted me to my feet, and as those were prayed for by the speaker I was instantly healed. How, I do not know. I only know the Great Physician touched my body and I was made whole, freed from pain. After I got home I showed how I could sit down and rise with my hands above my head; when before it had taken both to push up my feeble body, and straps on my bed to pull up by. No more use for them now. I laid down and turned over for the first time without pain. I shall never cease to praise God for the healing of my body through the precious blood of Jesus and in His name. I entreat you to come to Jesus and thou too shalt be made whole. I walked to the street car alone the next day and attended the next service and have been “on the go” ever since. Can give names of friends who can substantiate all I have written. To Jesus be all the praise and glory.
Mrs. Sanders, 4051 Bay View Court, San Diego, Calif.
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October 1922
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 5 September 30, 1922
Many have expressed regret that there was to be no meeting of the General Council this fall, but the Lord, who is always very good to us, is giving us a meeting on Convention lines in Springfield, that we believe will be of immense benefit to all who can be with us.
Since Brother Smith Wigglesworth has been in this country he has had many calls which he can not fill at this time, as he believes it is the Lord’s will for him to return to England. He expects to return to Australia next year for further ministry, and then to come to America again and visit a number of assemblies.
He has promised to visit us at the Springfield headquarters and will stay with us for two and possibly three weeks.
The meeting will start Oct. 15th (D.V.) at the great Convention Hall in which we held the 1920 Council. We have taken this building for the first ten days.
Reports that have appeared in the Evangel from time to time of our brother’s ministry might cause some to think that his ministry is largely on the line of healing. His main message is to the Pentecostal saints to stir them up to seek and obtain greater things from God. Bro. R. J. Craig writes, “God used him wonderfully here in building up the faith of the saints in San Francisco. He is just the man now needed in this country to give our people a true Pentecostal viewpoint when there is a letting down in so many quarters.”
Mark tells us concerning the early disciples, “And they went forth and preached every where, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following.” This can be said of our Bro. Wigglesworth too, and we believe that the Lord will make him a real blessing to those who can be with us.
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Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 October 28, 1922
Recently the office of the Missionary Treasurer was visited by an evangelist of international note, a man who has been especially honored of God in praying for the sick. Real miracles of healing have followed him wherever he has gone. We had not talked with him long until we discovered the secret of his power.
This man of God is not reaching out after things for himself, but he has put God first in everything. The work of the Lord is the chief concern of his life. He is tremendously concerned that the Gospel be given to as many as possible before the Lord comes. He stated to us, “I am not concerned about myself, for the Lord will take care of me. But I will not consent to hold a campaign unless I am given the privilege of taking a missionary offering. God has given me a ministry of faith and I must use it for the glory of God.”
Some evangelists seem to think that missions and evangelism do not go well together. They seem to feel that unless every effort is made to raise money for the expenses of the meeting that they will not be met and the campaign will be a financial failure. But here is an evangelist who has proven that when Missions are put to the front, God takes care of the running expenses of the campaign and his own needs as well. It has been a real inspiration to meet such a man.
The evangelist referred to is Smith Wigglesworth, who is just now opening a campaign in the Convention Hall, in cooperation with the Assembly of God at Springfield, MO.
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November 1922
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 10 December 9, 1922
CHICAGO, ILL. – The evangelistic campaign conducted by Brother Wigglesworth is over, and eternity alone can tell what was accomplished. The interest grew with every service and all those that heard him testified that he was the best teacher they ever heard. His messages on faith are simply inspiring. He was very much pleased with his visit here and I believe that be will come again. A goodly number were healed: some were saved and received the Baptism: but I believe the greatest good that he accomplished here was leading the saints into the deeper truths of God’s Word. The missionary offering amounted to $456.00. – S. A. Jamieson.
SPRINGFIELD & CHICAGO October/November 1922
Report published in Latter Rain Evangel, p. 12 November 1922
For the first time in the history of the Pentecostal assemblies of Chicago, there is being held a union meeting, and the prayer upon every heart of those who love the blessings of Pentecost is for a city-wide revival. For months God has been getting us ready for this meeting. The ministers of the Pentecostal Assemblies (with but one or two exceptions) have been meeting monthly for prayer, and to foster a spirit of unity, and the Young People have had several

Chicago YMCA
Rallys during the last year, one on the North Side and another on the South Side, both deeply spiritual meetings. Now at this writing (Nov. 1st), the majority of the Assemblies are in the midst of a large Union Meeting, some closing down their meetings entirely and others partially. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England, is the speaker in this campaign extending from Oct. 29th to Nov. 12th. The meeting is held in a large church building belonging to the Volunteers of America, 1201 W. Washington Boulevard, which has a seating capacity of 3,000. At the opening service, a large crowd was present.
“Dare to believe God !” is the slogan of the Evangelist. He not only talks faith but acts it. As he was giving his opening address on Faith he demonstrated it by calling for five or six in the audience who were suffering pain to rise. He prayed for them individually and they were delivered. He has a three-fold message, salvation, healing, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and he emphasizes all in each meeting. The Lord gave results the first day, and we are expecting great things from Him.
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Report published in Latter Rain Evangel, p. 12-13 December 1922
The union Pentecostal Meetings held in Chicago, Oct. 29 – Nov 12, were times of blessed refreshing. The large crowds which gathered twice daily to hear the messages God gave thru Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford, England, were evidence that they were feasting on the Word. “For fifty years,” said Brother Wigglesworth, “I have read no other book but the Bible, which my wife taught me to read,” and the originality and freshness of the God-given messages convinced his hearers that the price he paid to so shut himself up with the Word of God, was worth while. He paid many tributes to the wonderful Word, and his grasp of the Scriptures created a hunger in a number of ministers’ hearts to know that Word in equal power.
In one of his flashes of inspiration he said, “Never compare this Book with other books. Comparisons are dangerous. Other books are of earth; this is of heaven. Never say that this Book contains the Word of God. It is the Word of God. Eternal in duration ; incomprehensible in power; infinite in scope; human in penmanship; present in application. Read it through; Write it down; Pray it in! Work it out! Pass it on!”
He not only preaches the Word of God but acts it out literally; puts it into practice. To quote him, “God demands of every believer who bas been baptized in the Holy Spirit that he should have some ‘acts’. If you do not have them, you had better get face to face with God and demand from Him your acts.”
When time was given for testimony in one of the services, people arose all over the house and testified to having been healed of many diseases: A woman healed of heart trouble, another of high blood pressure; a man of heart trouble, another of gangrene; other healings of broken arches, a sore limb of which a women had been afflicted for three years, indigestion of long standing, itching boils, lumbago, rheumatism after being afflicted thirty-eight years, insomnia, etc., etc.
There were also a number of other healings which we may publish later. During one of the last meetings Brother Wigglesworth read an interesting letter from Australia telling of blessing and healings resultant from his recent meetings there. The letter in part is as follows:
“It will rejoice your heart to hear the beautiful testimonies which are still coming in from those who were helped and blest in your meetings here in Australia. The dear people do not forget those beautiful spiritual feasts they had every morning. Do you remember that dear woman in J,—- who was too ill to be brought in the church? She was put in the vestry, had to be carried in, was wrapped up in bandages. Well, she is now a living miracle, is going around doing her own work as well as anyone. It was a Baptist minister who brought this woman and he is now seeking to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
“Brother F. was telling us of a dear laddie ten years old who did not develop; he was born deficient. As you prayed with him, he felt something go out of him and he is now perfectly delivered, and is as intelligent as any boy. Another lady was suffering with chronic asthma and was so ill, especially at night. You prayed for her and she is now perfectly healed. These are lasting cases for which we give God the glory.
“Not many weeks ago a lady who is a professor of music, in your meeting at ___ was suffering with a severe pain at the back of her neck and in her nerves. As she sat in her seat and heard you give forth the precious Word of God, she called on the Name of the Lord and was perfectly healed. She has not had any return of the trouble. An old lady who was wonderfully healed by the Lord is going around as happy as can be. She could scarcely walk about the streets, now is as nimble as a child. It is beautiful to see her. You will probably remember the family in which you were used of the Lord in bringing husband and wife together. God continues to bless that family, and now four of them have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4.”
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We have many more reports of Smith’s ministry in USA in fall 1922 on our CD Rom.