1930’s-1940’s World Travels
June – July 1931
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 15 July 1931
Thousands Hear Full Gospel in Norway and Sweden
Messrs. Wigglesworth and Myerscough have Glorious Revival
We have seen wonderful meetings. At Stockholm the Assembly Hall holds 3,500, and it is as easy to speak as in your drawing room. The baptistry stands about five feet above ground with extended platforms on either side and very broad for candidates. The baptistry is always ready. Candidates leave the water by a passage under the first platform to male and female rooms. Behind the baptismal platform is the main platform still further back with two rows of seats right across the building. Behind this is another platform about six feet higher for the organ and the singers with their instruments of various kinds. During our visit the place was packed continually (i.e., eight days).
Pastor Pethrus is an extraordinary and godly man and is the soul of the place. There were as many as 400 out for healing at one service per day for that purpose. Many were saved and healed and received the promise of the Father. Hallelujah! We have seen real Pentecost in this land of devout people. The people are most orderly from going in to coming out. I cannot convey the sense of this on my soul. When they sing everyone does it with great earnestness. You and our dear brethren would enjoy this manifestation of the Grace of God.
We had meetings at Bergen. Here we had large and most blessed meetings with dear Pastor Bergfjord. Then to Oslo and met Pastor Barratt, whom we met in Sunderland in the early Conventions. He is as true as steel to the Pentecost of Acts ii. 4. We had a most blessed time with the Assembly of about 1,500.
We also went to Orebro under dear Pastor Robson. Two Baptist Churches were kindly lent for the meetings. Great blessing in Pentecostal experience were experienced; the meetings were packed.

The Stone Church, Chicago
We next went to Goteborg. The meetings were held in a circus holding over 3,000. This was packed at every meeting. Three Assemblies in the district joined in the meetings. I am not able to tell the glories of these meetings. Pastor Carson is the only one of the pastors whose names I know, but it is very precious to say that everything worked like clockwork. Scores were out for salvation and the Holy Spirit. At this and all the other meetings a great use of handkerchiefs was made, often hundreds at a time. Glory to Jesus!
Now we are off to Finland, and would greatly esteem your loving prayers on behalf of us venturesome but very happy and well sustained pilgrim preachers of the unsearchable riches of Christ our precious Jesus.
The ministry of our beloved Brother Wigglesworth has been in great unction of the Holy Spirit as in former days. This has been a great blessedness for the people we have visited. People in every place have come forward to testify of healings of ten and two years ago on his previous visits, and which are standing today. I have not been able to give all details as I would like, but these have come to mind and give us great gratitude to our blessed Lord. Not the least of these is the love of the people to the Lord’s little servants.
Yours joyfully
(Signed) Thomas Myerscough
* * *
c. November – December 1934
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 14 February 1, 1935
We have a very encouraging report to hand from Vernon G. Gortner, the pastor of the Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y., Assembly of God concerning the ministry of Brother Smith Wigglesworth at the opening of their new Tabernacle a short time ago. He says: “The meetings with Bro. Wigglesworth will never be forgotten. God’s power was manifested in a remarkable way, not only in healing of the sick but in the salvation of lost souls. Every night there was a good altar response, and a number of folks boldly stepped out and came to the altar and accepted Christ. There were also a number of remarkable healings. One person testified afterwards of being healed of gall-stones of many years’ standing. Another testified that they were healed of double rupture after suffering intense pain for years.” To God’s Name be all the glory!
* * *
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 8 February 16, 1935
James H. Taylor, West Roxbury, Mass
“That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you”
“Guess who’s in Washington this week?” asked a delighted voice. “Mr. Wigglesworth!” The voice was Mrs. Taylor’s, and naturally she was pleased, for nine years ago, when through faith in Him the Lord annulled the sentence of death against her, it was Brother Wigglesworth’s book, Ever Increasing Faith, that next to the Word of God led us to victory. Praise Him!
The next Saturday we were in the Capital City and on the following day, Dec. 2, 1934, at the Old Fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L. St., N. E., or rather outside, for the doors were closed, and a placard told us, “Last two meetings of Smith Wigglesworth transferred to Masonic Temple.”
When we reached there at 2:45, a large poster on the outside announced, “City Wide Healing Services.” The hall was being filled rapidly, 800 or more gathering. The song service was delightfully informal, magnifying the power of the Name, the Blood of the Cross, and the friendship of Jesus.
Brief testimonies followed. One brother in a most clear and forceful voice said, “I was a sufferer from catarrh in a most virulent form. I had great difficulty in breathing and speaking. Tried all the doctors and all the healers without relief. Someone advised, ‘See the Englishman.’ I did last week, and God has most marvelously healed me. Glory to His name!”
The scripture was from Mark 5:25: “A woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,” etc.
Brother James Salter, Brother Wigglesworth’s son-in-law, told how the Lord had healed him many times and marvelously, during his long service in the Congo region. “But,” said he, “if I had never been healed, and if I had never seen anyone healed, I’d believe in it, because the Bible says so.” Amen!
Brother Wigglesworth’s’ text was, “Fear not: only believe.”
I remember he said, “No one in this place should go away with an ache or a pain.” And this, “The Lord for the body and the body for the Lord.” Concluding his talk, he asked the people to pray, and they did, in the ideal congregational way. Personal, public prayer has in it, to my mind, an element of danger, through tending to pride; and frequently what we might term “a beautiful prayer” is, in reality, merely a ‘repetition of glib phrases, and of no spiritual account. But where hundreds of believers pray audibly and together, pride is, in a measure at least, defeated and God glorified. The latter is the “Pentecostal” mode – and thank God for it.
Brother Wigglesworth gave the invitation to accept salvation, and a score of people came forward, in the midst of which, from under the left balcony, came a clear message in a tongue, which was interpreted by Brother Wigglesworth.
The handkerchiefs that had been brought forward and laid upon the altar (in the spirit of Acts 19:12) were prayed over following which a call was made for those who desired healing to assemble in the space between the platform and wall on the left.
A hundred people responded. Brother Wigglesworth addressed the longing group. “Look at me and listen,” said he; “I want you to let this thought take possession of you-‘I am going to be healed!’ Think it and believe it. Second: Be sure to understand that I have never healed anyone, and that I never saw anyone heal another, but I have seen the power of God work through men to heal. Hallelujah !”
He came down from the platform, and reaching the head of the long line, he began to lay his hands upon them, commanding diseases and demons, in the name of Jesus, to depart from them. They shook when he touched them, some jumped, some shouted, some were prostrated, and many testified to healing.
The power of God was in the place and the praises of His people were a blessed accompaniment. My purpose, however, in sending this report is not so much to detail the healings – although hard not to – as to call special attention to an outstanding demonstration of power, as a single proof that Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, and today (praise God) and forever,” and to show that our God means something more than the glory of ancient dates, but this day and to the end of days, He will, to those who will “only believe,” confirm His unfailing Word “with signs following.”
I think it will help our testimony to state that we had seats in the second row (front) from the healing corner, so that what happened during the healing hour was almost within hand reach. Just before the meeting began, we had noticed that a young girl, with crutches, was coming in. She was assisted by a man and woman. Her legs absolutely dangled, with the feet hanging vertically from them. From her waist she seemed to be limp and powerless. Room was made for her in the front row. When the invitation to be saved was given, she attempted to go forward aided by her assistants.
Brother Wigglesworth, on seeing her start, said, “You stay right where you are. You are going to be a different girl when you leave this place.” When the rest had been dealt with Brother Wigglesworth turned to the girl and, having been told her trouble, said to the people, “This girl has no muscles in her legs; she has never walked before.” He laid his hands on her head and prayed and cried, “In the name of Jesus Christ, walk!” Looking at her, he said, “You are afraid, aren’t you?” “Yes,” she replied. “There is no need to be. You are healed!” he shouted. “Walk! walk!” And praise God she did – like a baby just learning! Twice she walked, in that characteristic way, the length of the platform! Glory to God! When we left the room, her crutches were lying on the seat, and on reaching the sidewalk we saw her standing, as others do, talking with two girl friends. Glory to God in the highest and on earth healing to those who believe. Amen.
The woman who assisted her forward was her mother, and the man was her uncle, who wept like a child during her healing, who testified in the evening meeting that she walked up the stairs at her home without assistance, repeated the fact that she had never walked before, stating also that her mother, who went forward for healing for a bunch in her breast, when asked about it said, “It’s gone!”
Wonderful things happened at the evening meeting also. Our brother testified to the healing of a cancer of two years’ standing. A poor sick man, whom the doctors had given up, whose legs were useless, except for slow motion, was healed and ran twice around the hall! When asked how many had been healed during the week’s services, at least two hundred rose. Well, what shall I say – but praise God?
And Washington. – The most beautiful city in the world, a city pledged to public welfare and the science of understanding, a city of palaces dedicated to the eradication of human weakness and disease, a city of national research, of latest aids in medicine and surgery for the repair and maintenance of the bodies of men; but alas with all this human might, no power to mend its broken master!
On the next morning I combed the papers for a headline and then for some lesser recognition but without success. And then I thought that as Jesus had spoken yesterday of the heart of Palestine, so it could be said today of the heart of America, “Thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.”
* * *
December 1934
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 14 March 1st, 1935
James H. Taylor, West Roxbury, Mass.
“Guess who’s in Washington this week?” asked a delighted voice. “Mr. Wigglesworth!”
The voice was Mrs. Taylor’s, and naturally she was pleased, for nine years ago, when through faith in Him the Lord annulled the sentence of death against her, it was Brother Wigglesworth’s book, Ever Increasing Faith, that next to the Word of God led us to victory. Praise Him!
The next Saturday we were in the Capital City and on the following day, Dec. 2, 1934, at the Old Fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L. St., N.E., or rather outside, for the doors were closed, and a placard told us, “Last two meetings of Smith Wigglesworth transferred to Masonic Temple.”
When we reached there at 2.45, a large poster on the outside announced, “City Wide Healing Services.” The hall was being filled rapidly, 800 or more gathering. The song service was delightfully informal, magnifying the power of the Name, the Blood of the Cross, and the friendship of Jesus.
Brief testimonies followed. One brother in a most clear and forceful voice said, “I was a sufferer from catarrh in a most virulent form. I had great difficulty in breathing and speaking. Tried all the doctors and all the healers without relief. Someone advised, ‘See the Englishman.’ I did last week, and God has most marvellously healed me. Glory to His name!”
The scripture was from Mark v 25: “A woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,” etc.
Brother James Salter, Brother Wigglesworth’s son-in-law, told how the Lord had healed him many times and marvellously, during his long service in the Congo region. “But,” said he, “if I had never been healed, and if I had never seen anyone healed, I’d believe in it, because the Bible says so.” Amen!
Brother Wigglesworth’s text was, “Fear not: only believe.”
When he gave the invitation to accept salvation, a score of people came forward, in the midst of which, from under the left balcony, came a clear message in a tongue, which was interpreted by Brother Wiggglesworth, following which a call was made for those who desired healing to assemble in the space between the platform and wall on the left.
A hundred people responded. Brother Wigglesworth addressed the longing group. “Look at me and listen,” said he; “I want you to let this thought take possession of you ‘I am going to be healed!’ Think it and believe it. Second: Be sure to understand that I have never healed anyone, and that I never saw anyone heal another, but I have seen the power of God work through men to heal. Hallelujah!”
He came down from the platform, and reaching the head of the long line, he began to lay his hands upon them, commanding diseases and demons, in the name of Jesus, to depart from them. They shook when he touched them, some jumped, some shouted, some were prostrated, and many testified to healing.
* * *

Thomas Circle, Washington
The power of God was in the place and the praises of His people were a blessed accompaniment. My purpose, however, in sending this report is not so much to detail the healings – although hard not to – as to call special attention to an outstanding demonstration of power, as a single proof that Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, and today (praise God) and forever,” and to show that our God means something more than the glory of ancient dates, but this day and to the end of days, He will, to those who will “only believe,” confirm His unfailing Word “with signs following.”
I think it will help our testimony to state that we had seats in the second row (front) from the healing corner, so that what happened during the healing hour was almost within hand reach. Just before the meeting began, we had noticed that a young girl, with crutches, was coming in. She was assisted by a man and woman. Her legs absolutely dangled, with the feet hanging vertically from them. From her waist she seemed to be limp and powerless. Room was made for her in the front row.
When the invitation to be saved was given, she attempted to go forward aided by her assistants. Brother Wigglesworth, on seeing her start, said, “You stay right where you are. You are going to be a different girl when you leave this place.”
When the rest had been dealt with Brother Wigglesworth turned to the girl and, having been told her trouble, said to the people, “This girl has no muscles in her legs; she has never walked before.” He laid his hands on her head and prayed and cried, “In the name of Jesus Christ, walk!” Looking at her, he said, “You are afraid, aren’t you?” “Yes,” she replied. “There is no need to be. You are healed!” he shouted. “Walk! walk!” And praise God she did – like a baby just learning! Twice she walked, in that characteristic way, the length of the platform! Glory to God! When we left the room, her crutches were lying on the seat, and on reaching the sidewalk we saw her standing, as others do, talking with two girl friends. Glory to God in the highest and on earth healing to those who believe. Amen.
The woman who assisted her forward was her mother, and the man was her uncle, who wept like a child during her healing, who testified in the evening meeting that she walked up the stairs at her home without assistance, repeated the fact that she had never walked before, stating also that her mother, who went forward for healing for a bunch in her breast, when asked about it said, “It’s gone!”
Wonderful things happened at the evening meeting also. Our brother testified to the healing of a cancer of two years’ standing. A poor sick man whom the doctors had given up, whose legs were useless, except for slow motion, was healed and ran twice around the hall! When asked how many had been healed during the week’s services, at least two hundred rose. Well, what shall I say – but praise God?
On the next morning I combed the papers for a headline and then for some lesser recognition but without success. And then I thought that as Jesus had spoken yesterday of the heart of Palestine, so it could be said today of the heart of America, “Thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.”
December 1934
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 January 5, 1935
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Smith Wigglesworth and Evangelist and Mrs. James Salter have just closed a city-wide revival and healing campaign under the auspices of The Old-fashioned Gospel Tabernacle, 505 L St., N. E. Many outstanding miracles were wrought in the name of Jesus.
The lame walked, the deaf received hearing, and many other ailments were healed. The meeting has been a great blessing, and through it the city has experienced a great spiritual uplift. Souls were saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost. The church seating over 400 was over crowded, and the last two meetings were transferred to the Masonic Temple, where about 950 people were gathered the last night.
The revival spirit is still at its peak and the Spirit is mightily working. The assemblies at Brunswick, Md., Norfolk, Va, and other towns far and near were well represented by considerable delegations.
J. A. McCambridge is pastor, A. F. Sengstack, Secretary.
* * *
December 11th – 16th 1934
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 February 9, 1935
We had two services daily, except Sunday, when we had 3 great meetings. Large crowds attended every service and God was present to deliver men and women from all evil conditions in soul and body. Many very outstanding healings were witnessed. For the encouragement of sufferers we give these:
A man with cancer on his face and hands was healed almost instantly. A woman with hernia of 17 years’ standing was completely delivered. A man with asthma of 8 years’ standing was saved and healed instantly. A lady was healed of deafness and afterwards heard clearly. Several were saved, and the meeting proved a spiritual uplift to the entire work. These meetings will long be remembered, and we trust that these evangelists will return to us soon.
A. A. Wilson, Pastor
* * *
December 1934
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 13 January 5, 1935
WILKES-BARRE, PA. – One week’s revival with Evangelists Smith Wigglesworth and Mr. and Mrs. James Salter, resulted in the salvation of souls. Several received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and numbers of sick were healed. Among the latter was a man with a cancerous growth on his face, who was instantly relieved from pain. A crippled child 3 years old, as a result of the prayer of faith is walking for the first time in its life. A young woman who had been ill for about 3 years was delivered from her infirmity.
Crowds were so great it was impossible to gather statistics, but fresh reports of benefits received are heard almost daily. The saints throughout the Anthracite section were quickened and the Pentecostal work in general was benefited.
Byron D. Jones, Pastor.
* * *
April 10th – 14th 1936
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 12 May 1, 1936
Seating Capacity taxed to the Limit
The North of England Convention, held in Preston, Lancashire, for upwards of sixteen years, took place as usual this Easter, when the Lancaster Road Congregational Church, at which the principal meetings were held, was taxed to the limit of seating capacity. Eager and enthusiastic companies of believers travelled distances, short and long, by motor coach or other means of transit, intent upon receiving all that such an occasion offered, namely – “Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.” Their expectations were not cut off, and speakers and hearers alike testified to blessing received and of the joy and privilege which was theirs in being able to visit the Preston Convention.
The meetings were presided over by our esteemed brother, Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, and our ministering brethren included Messrs. Donald Gee (Vice-Chairman Assemblies of God), F. Watson (Secretary, Lancashire District Presbytery), H. Crook (Margate), Dan Phillips (Ashton-under- Lyne) and Mrs. James Salter. Missionaries on furlough included Mr. and Mrs. W. F. P. Burton, Mr. Hall, Mr. Garfield Vale, also outgoing Missionaries and Candidates.
A preliminary meeting was held on Thursday evening, at which a very profitable word was given by Mr. Donald Gee. During the Convention Baptismal Services were arranged and advantage taken by a number who were ready to obey the Lord in the matter of water baptism. In the ante-rooms of the Chapel several received the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to the Scripture pattern. Mr. Wigglesworth prayed for and laid hands upon many who were in need of ministry for the body.
A unique feature of the Convention this year was the singing by four young brothers from Scotland,

Preston town centre buildings
Church Street, Preston
It is always a matter of regret that one cannot give a verbatim report of the choice and inspiring addresses we were privileged to hear from each of those who ministered the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit. Doctrine, Reproof, Exhortation, Ministry of Comfort, Consolation and Encouragement.
A dominant note of Evangelism from Bros. Crook and Phillips, whose happy ministry evoked much appreciation and in response to whose appeal decisions for Christ were made by some who had not been saved. Privilege brings responsibility, and whether we recognize it or not, the individual believer’s responsibility, in the matter of consecration and service for God, was increased to the extent of the measure of blessing received from such ministry. The afternoon and evening meetings of Easter Monday were entirely devoted to the Missionaries and Candidates, of whom there were about 22. It was a great joy to have Brother and Sister Burton home again after an absence of nine years.
After the various Missionary aspirants had testified to their call to spheres of service in countries which included Central Africa (Congo), India, China, Tibet, Brazil, Sudan, Mr. Burton spoke of their work on the Congo. He did not deceive his hearers as to that side of the Missionaries’ life which is not discovered until he reaches the field – the discomforts, discouragements, disease, climatic conditions, fever, insect bites, the prejudice against the foreigner, and the hatred of those who constantly oppose and would seek to destroy the work of God amongst the Natives. All these things, however, were as nothing compared to the joy of winning these natives to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was, declared Mr. Burton, “worth it all!”
The Missionary Offering (afternoon and evening) reached the sum of £212 in addition to which there were sundry articles of jewelry given. Mr. Wigglesworth, Mr. Burton and Mrs. Salter ministered at the closing meeting of the Convention on Tuesday evening in Cheetham Street Hall.
We return thanks to God for answered prayer, and for a great Convention, during which we realized, in very truth that “He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”
R. E. Craston, Secretary.
* * *
October 1936 – March 1937
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 5-6 January 29, 1937
By D. J. du Plessis, General Secretary, A.F. Mission
During the past years when news filtered through of how God was blessing His servant, Smith Wigglesworth in other countries, many of God’s people in South Africa prayed that he might come out here to bring the message of life. God answers prayer and there was indeed rejoicing when we were able to announce at the Easter Conference, 1936, that it might be possible for brother Wigglesworth to visit South Africa and that he might be with us at the December Conference. Since that time many have prayed that his visit may be a great blessing to the Pentecostal work. We have had the privilege to have with us some of the brethren from other countries, and their ministry has been a blessing, but there still seemed to be a general desire that brother Wigglesworth should come to us.
The Cape Stirred
He arrived in October 1936, and the Lord moved from the moment he arrived. The newspapers in this country are generally very indifferent towards Pentecost, but they seemed to take notice of our elderly brother and gave great publicity to his meetings. It was quite a surprise to see the papers come out with pages of pictures taken in the meetings. Columns were written about the meetings, and the Cape was stirred. Mighty healings took place, and in a few cases it might be said that the healings were miraculous. What is of more importance, however, is the fact that so many were swept into the Kingdom of God. In the Cape many surrendered their lives to the Lord and the revival which was started through these meetings still continues. Praise the Lord.
After the Cape our brother visited Port Elizabeth, East London, and Bloemfontein. In all these places the saints of God from all sections of the Pentecostal movement came together to hear the message which has inspired greater faith in the hearts of God’s people, and Divine Healing has once more become a vital truth in the lives of many sick and suffering ones. All reports say, “We have never yet heard such a message on faith.”
Indeed our brother is anointed to preach on this great subject, and the faith which is quickened in the hearts of the people now brings greater revivals everywhere.
South Africa Ripe for Revival
South Africa seems to be ripe for a wide-spread revival, and the Apostolic Faith Mission (not connected with other Apostolic Churches, Missions, or Movements anywhere in the world) has been enjoying very special blessings and revivals all over the country. The growth of the work is remarkable. Brother Wigglesworth’s visit seems to be just what the Lord had planned. Indeed God is with us.
The Annual December Conference at Headquarters in the Central Tabernacle, Johannesburg, is usually a very blessed time of fellowship and blessing, and people from all over the country attend these meetings. The last Conference was therefore not really an exception but it was different. Brother Wigglesworth ministered to God’s people every morning and evening. In the afternoons the meetings were open for testimonies and messages from other visiting pastors and evangelists. The Spirit of God was upon every meeting and the Word went forth under the unction of the Holy Ghost. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spake in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. Sick and suffering ones attended every night and hundreds were prayed for. Many came back to tell that God had touched them. Praise His name. Many sicknesses and ailments were healed by the power of God. Some seemed to have received a new lease of life.
2,000 at Meetings
In Cape Town the city hall was packed out with 2,000 people, and on the last Sunday of the Conference we also had the pleasure of seeing nearly 2,000 people gather for three great meetings in the city hall in Johannesburg. In the morning nearly the whole audience was made up of believers, saved and filled with the Spirit. In the afternoon many outsiders attended the Divine Healing service and the newspaper sent a reporter. About 500 sick were prayed for and many received instant healing. The evening service was again packed to the doors, and as in the morning and afternoon services, a large number stood up to ask prayer for salvation and victory in their spiritual lives. We praise God for such a wonderful time. This happens to be the first great public demonstrations held by Pentecostal people in the city hall. God has wonderfully blessed and the results are known only to Him.
Over the Christmas Holidays, meetings have been held in Springs and Brakpan where God also blessed abundantly. There are still nine large centres to be visited before our brother returns to England in March and we trust the Lord will continue to bless everywhere.
* * *
Report published in Pentecostal Evangel, p. 12 February 27, 1937
By D. J. du Plessis, General Secretary,
of A. F. Mission
During the past years, when news filtered through of how God was blessing His servant, Brother Smith Wigglesworth, in other countries, many of God’s people in South Africa prayed that he might be brought out here to bring the message of life.
He arrived in October 1936, and the Lord moved from the moment he came. The newspapers in this country are generally very indifferent towards Pentecost but they seemed to take notice of our old brother and gave great publicity to his meetings. It was quite a surprise to see the papers come out with pages of pictures taken in the services. Columns were written about the meetings and the Cape was stirred. Mighty healings took place and in a few cases it might be said that the healings were miraculous. What is of more importance, however, is the fact that so many were swept into the kingdom of God. In the Cape many surrendered their lives to the Lord and the reviva1, which was started through these meetings, still continues. Praise the Lord!
After the Cape, our brother visited Port Elizabeth, East London, and Bloemfontein. In all, these places the saints of God from all the Pentecostal groups came together to hear the message which has inspired greater faith in the hearts of God’s people, and Divine Healing has once more become a vital truth in the lives of many sick and suffering ones. All reports say, “We have never before heard such a message on faith.” Indeed, our brother is anointed to preach on this great subject, and the faith which is quickened in the hearts of the people now brings greater revivals everywhere.
David J. Du Plessis
The Annual December Conference at Headquarters in the Central Tabernacle, Johannesburg, is usually a very blessed time of fellowship and blessing; and people from all over the country attend these meetings. The last Conference was no exception. Brother Wigglesworth ministered to God’s people every morning and evening. The Spirit of God was upon every meeting and the Word went forth under the unction of the Holy, Ghost. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spake in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. Sick and suffering ones attended every night and hundreds were prayed for. Many came back to tell that God had touched them. Praise His name! Many sicknesses and ailments were healed by the power of God. Some seemed to have received a new lease on life.

Preston town centre buildings
In Cape Town the city hall was packed out with 2,000 people, and so on the last Sunday of the Conference we also had the pleasure of seeing nearly 2,000 people gather for three great meetings in the city hall in Johannesburg. In the morning nearly the whole audience was made up of believers, saved and filled with the Spirit. In the afternoon many outsiders attended the Divine Healing service and the newspaper sent a reporter. About 500 sick were prayed for and, many received instant hearing. The evening service was again packed to the doors and, as in the morning and after services, a large number stood up to ask prayer for salvation and victory in their spiritual lives.
* * *
Report published in Redemption Tidings, p. 11 March 12, 1937
We had a good voyage out: rather hot passing through the tropics, but improving as we came nearer Cape Town. There the pastors and friends met us and told us that all was arranged for us to begin that night at Salt River with Brother De Vrieis. From the first the place was
Packed Out and Hundreds Turned Away.
So at last they took the Town Hall, and this also was full. Praise God! Signs, with miracles, were seen at every meeting, but the greatest of all was conviction of sin, and we had hundreds of decisions for Christ.
Then we moved to Wynberg, and Brother Coates took the Town Hall. We were crowded right to the street from the first, and the Revival began. We had most marvellous healings of cancer cases, and many left crutches and sticks, but the best of all was hundreds of people decided for Christ. Brother Coates and others decided to carry on, and 340 decided the first Sunday after we left.
A young man saved through reading my book decided to buy a Ford car, and took us from place to place. We have already covered over 4.000 miles, calling at Port Elizabeth and East London and Bloemfontein, with very good results We arrived at Johannesburg for the Christmas Convention, and for the first time they decided to take the large Town Hall. We had a great time;
Over 2,000 Broke Bread.
We also had some outstanding miracles, two children, 12 and 14 years, were loosed from wearing irons and made free. Crowds pushed for healing, but the best here again was hundreds deciding for Christ.
The pastors and saints were greatly encouraged, and we have been moving to many places with good results. We are now on our way to Durban, and after three other campaigns we shall be preparing to leave in February 25th (D.V ). We nope to stop over for a few days us in Cape Town where they have secured the Town Hall for five days’ Farewell meetings. Then on March 5th we are booked to sail for Southampton, to be ready for out Easter Convention (at Preston).
Several times we hate ministered to the native villages. What a sight—through the bush rivers, mountains and deserts. It was very inspiring to see the native Christians. We have been greatly blest. We are very well. My son Salter has arrived, and will be with us until we sail from Cape Town God bless you and yours.