Wigglesworth Sermons

All Saints’ Parish Hall, Sunderland
More than 200 of Smith Wigglesworth’s sermons currently exist in the literature. The sermons were recognised as being special at the time they were delivered and were written down by short hand writers and subsequently published in the early Pentecostal literature.
The sermons can be found in the early editions of the various journals whilst many of them are included in the various modern compilations which are now available.
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We have included a selection of 40 different sermons preached by Wigglesworth. 25 were reprinted in Pentecostal periodicals then reproduced in two books of sermons, ‘Faith That Prevails’ and ‘Ever Increasing Faith.‘ We have added a random selection of 15 miscellaneous sermons which we will change periodically.
Wigglesworth Sermons
God-Given Faith
Like Precious Faith
Spiritual Power
Paul's Pentecost
Ye Shall Receive Power
Keeping The Vision
Present-Time Blessings
Have Faith in God
Deliverance to the Captives
The Power of the Name
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?
I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee
Himself Took Our Infirmities
Our Risen Christ
The Words of This Life
Life in the Spirit
What It Means to Be Full of the Holy Ghost
The Bible Evidence of the Baptism of the Spirit
Concerning Spiritual Gifts
The Word of Knowledge and Faith
Gifts of Healings, and Miracles
The Gift of Prophecy
The Discerning of Spirits
The Gift of Tongues
Workers together with God
Preparation for the Second Coming (1)
Immersed in the Holy Ghost
Active Life of the Spirit-filled Believer
The Way to Overcome: Believe
Our Calling (part 1)
Our Calling (part 2)
Ye are Our Epistle (part 1)
Ye are Our Epistle (part 2)
Great Grace Upon the Church
Greater Works Than These
Like Precious Faith (1)
Like Precious Faith (2)
The Power of Christ's Resurrection
What wilt Thou have Me to do?